The Nexus of Pop-Culture Fandom

Album Review :: Biffers :: Frankie Road

Written by: Andrea Janov, CC2K Music Editor

Biffers :: Frankie’ Road :: Greenway Records


The Biffers are from Livorno, Italy, and as I am not super familiar with the Italian punk scene, I had no idea what to expect when I put on The Biffers record, Frankie Road. The packaging was great, a cool monochromatic design to the sleeve and a clear blue record made it that much better.


I must admit that I was a bit surprised by the sound that came out of my speakers. It was deeper and SLOWER than I was imagining. For some reason I was expecting fast pop punk or fast thrashy punk. The Biffers are melodic, but no one would ever call them pop. The vocals are deeper than most punk bands and there is almost the same crooning quality that Jerry Only had in The Misfits.

The first track, Werewolf, just launches you in. There is no easing into the album, from the first second you are pulled in. It is energetic yet slightly staccato, which creates a super interesting vibe to the track. Dear Rocker, has a bit of an accent that you don’t hear in the first track but crops up in the others. I really dig it, punk with an Italian accent is pretty sweet.

The Law Wne, is my absolute favorite. It is super melodic and infectious. The music in this one reminds me of mid career Green Day, (which I was the only person who was a fan of) and the vocals in this one are a bit quirky in the most endearing way. The last track on the album, Happiness for Madness has really cool layered vocal sections and the song is allowed to morph and changes as it progresses, give this sense of movement by the time you reach the end.

The Biffers fill this place in punk that I didn’t quite know was void, slower yet still energetic punk. These songs are relaxed yet full of life, it is a really interesting pace and I really loved listening to it. I’ve never heard punk sound like this and I want more. They too melodic pop punk and made it their own.

This album came in the mail from Greenway Records, I have only reviewed one of their albums so far, but I loved it so I was super excited to see what this next release was all about. So, thanks for finding me, Greenway Records, we are two for two.