The Nexus of Pop-Culture Fandom

BD lp_Artwork--front

Album Review :: Big Dick :: Big Dick

Written by: Andrea Janov, CC2K Music Editor


BD lp_Artwork--frontBig Dick :: Big Dick out now on Dirt Cult Records

Big Dick is a two piece from Ontario Canada and I must admit that I was pleasantly surprised at this album. With a name like Big Dick, I was so expecting raunchy humor, instead I was surprised by this chaotic alternative vibe.

The album kicks off with Wolves a track that totally embodies everything that is awesome about this record. The track starts off with chaotic shouting and noise rock then somehow congeals into super catchy vocals that never abandon the chaos.

This album is full of styles that should conflict, yet gel together into a sound that I have not heard before.

Problems has this great fadeout to a capella ending complete with a hint laughter. (I am a sucker for the natural unrehearsed moments caught on tape.) Witchcraft has great screams and Schoolyard Violence is super catchy. Colours is a screamo/metal/alternative track (think Bleach era Nirvana). Medic is a hipster track, but with substance. It is super danceable and has a killer layered vocal section. Mayday is fast and frenzied and Too Hot to Trot almost ventures into the punk rock realm.

This album is definitely something to experience.