The Nexus of Pop-Culture Fandom

Album Review :: Búho :: Self Titled 7″

Written by: Andrea Janov, CC2K Music Editor

Búho :: Self Titled 7” :: Crowquill

This is two song Self Titled 7” by Búho will take you by storm. Búho is from San Antonio and this music totally has a desert feel to it, as in, it feels like it is ever expanding and dissipating into the cold desert night.

The A Side, Endless Blue begins with 2 and half minutes of this awesome super chaotic music, punctuated with a heavy bass line. When the vocals do come in the are distant and hollow with a cool menacjing undertone. The track builds and build until it is just at the edge of frantic then it pulls back, slows down, and lets you off the ride.

The B Side, Night Clinics still has that cool menacing feel, yet with elements of new wave. It is a bit s more upbeat yet smoother than the A Side.

What I really love about this 7” is that it feels as though it exists out of time. Musical trends and sounds go in waves and can usually be placed in relation to one another, this 7” is floating in space somewhere, independent of all the bullshit.  My critique on this 7”? I wanted more. Come on guys, give me more music.