Album Review :: Druglords of the Avenues :: New Drugs
Written by: Andrea Janov, CC2K Music Editor
Druglords of the Avenues :: New Drugs :: Red Scare Industries
Druglords of the Avenues (fronted by Johnn of Swingin’ Utters) latest record, New Drugs, is an awesome collection of high energy punk rock tracks. The first track, There’s Something Seriously Wrong, explodes from the first note and the energy never lets up until the album is done.New Drugs encapsulates all the elements that attract kids to punk rock – music that is powerful and fast that makes you want to thrash around a pit (or your bedroom) and a voice that is gruff and full of attitude, the voice you think you have as you tell off cops your scream along to your favorite records.
For us grizzled veterans of the punk rock world, this album is a refreshing dose of straight forward punk that will take you back to all those bands that made you fall in love witth punk it has the perfect balance of intensity and fun. It will have you singing along and dancing in a pit and purely having a shit ton of fun.
Brandy Breath has killer music that is played double the speed of the vocals, creating a really interesting dynamic in the song. MacGowan’s Seethe, a nod to classic Irish songs, will no doubt have you singing along. This is a Pig is a great thrashy punk track that will get you moving. Might We Dance is a stripped down Ramones meets the Knack-esq track that is so much fun and will make you want to do the twist. For real, the twist.
All in all, what I am saying is, this record can restore your faith in quality punk rock.