The Nexus of Pop-Culture Fandom


Album Review :: Last Call :: Dog Years

Written by: Andrea Janov, CC2K Music Editor

last--call-dog-yearsLast Call’s Dog Years is a punk album with just the slightest bits of indie/emo influences. The tracks are melodic, passionate, yet never soft. The music is always intense and the lyrics to every track are very self-aware and contemplative. The tracks address everything from love, to foreclosure, to depression, to life expectations- there are no ground breaking revelations in the lyrics, but that is what makes them more powerful, they are identifiable and accessible for young adults going through similar situations.

My favorite track is Generation Gap, which incorporates all the great elements present on this record, along with a killer chorus. Not only are the lyrics, “A generation before pities out of love / as their fathers did before them / because we’re all liars and hypocrites ” beautiful, but the sound of the track is amazing. It is layered and melodic, not in a cheesey way, but in a I can’t help but sing along way. I cannot get enough of it. Seriously, on repeat.

Dog Years is another stand out track addressing the coming of age process. Again like all of the other tracks, it is honest and reflective, “I’m not convinced that I ever really needed this. I’m not the man I thought I’d be ten years ago.” It discusses the moment that you realize that the reality of your dreams isn’t what you expected and you begin to question what it is that you really want out of life, and where do you go from that moment.  My favorite part of this track is the chaotic layered vocals at the end that create a really unique and memorizing sound.

After I totally fell in love with Dog Years and Last Call, I was doing a bit of research on these guys, I came across a song by song discussion they did for You’ll love them too.

  Last Call’s Dog Years out now on Broken Arrow Collective