The Nexus of Pop-Culture Fandom


Album Review :: Let It Go :: Modern Atlas

Written by: Andrea Janov, CC2K Music Editor

say027Let It Go
:: Modern Atlas out now on Say-10 Records

Holy shit I was grabbed from the first note of this record. Let It Go’s EP, Modern Atlas starts with a bang, grabs you, and never lets up. Punk rock played fast with some sing a long sections and a ton of heart – what else can you want from a record?

I really like how this record is set up, it kicks off with Diehard 2, a fast yet catchy and will have you trying to sing along even though you don’t know the words yet. Track 2, $5.50 is a bit more punk and less hooky, Sluggish is gravely, Rise Set is a bit rougher, and Age is hardcore. It is as if Let It Go is taking you on a journey by showing you their diverse sound by taking you deeper and deeper in track by track.

Underneath this gruff punk rock, are some beautiful lyrics. As a writer, Diehard 2’s, “If you’d rather walk alone I can always drag my feet” made me stop in my tracks. Those lines could stand alone in some snooty poetry publication. And there is a verse in Rise Set, “Hey remember that time / We thought the sun revolved, revolved around us / Running today and forever / A finish line a horizon away” that perfectly encapsulates what it is to be a teenager. These lyrics will stick with you even after the EP is over.

My only complaint about Modern Atlas is that it is only 5 tracks. Dammit, I want more.