Album Review :: Morning Glory :: Born to December
Written by: Andrea Janov, CC2K Music Editor
Morning Glory :: Born to December :: Fat Wreck Chords
Born to December is a single from Morning Glory’s latest LP on Poets Were My Heroes. The A Side features Born to December, a track that is lilting and beautiful and really does get better with every listen. The B Side of this single features Jesus Christ Boogie and Sara Says, two tracks that are so different than Born to December (or anything on Poets Were My Heroes) you will be so impressed with the range of this band.
Jesus Christ Boogie (O Aneurysm!) has an old school vibe, it takes us back to the to the early 70s when punk rock was still figuring itself out and Iggy and the Stooges and the MC5 reigned over New York with a dash of Nirvana’s Aneurysm thrown in the mix. It is raw fucking rock and roll.
Sara Says pairs two elements that you would never imagine in a punk rock song, strings and the snotty early punk vibe. The vocals are curt and the words are being spit at the listener over chaotic music and backing vocals.
I have been playing this single on repeat, and every time, I think to myself, “Damn, these tracks are just so fucking good.” Like I already said Jesus Christ Boogie (O Aneurysm!) and Sara Says are very different than the rest of Morning Glory’s tracks but so damned great. There is nothing that these guys can’t do.