The Nexus of Pop-Culture Fandom

Album Review :: Save Your Generation Compilation : TV Dinner Vol. 2

Written by: Andrea Janov, CC2K Music Editor

Lawnmower / Viewfinder / Totally Slow / Teaheads :: TV Dinner Vol. 2 :: Save Your Generation Records

Reviewing a split is always hard but fun. I have a special place in my heart for splits and compilation albums. Back when I was in middle school and high school and the internet was a dial up modem and aol account, comps and splits were the best ways to find out about new bands. You relied on labels you loved to put out comps and bands you loved to team up with other bands you would be sure to love. I suppose now kids don’t need that, you can fall down a rabbit hole of “similar” music on any site, but me, I still will go for the curated sound by a cool label.


Save Your Generations records has put out it’s second TV Dinner split, this one features, Lawnmower and Teaheads (two of their own bands) and Viewfinder and Totally Slow from Self Aware Records.

The Lawnmower track, Straight Lines, is a slow bassy distorted track with super pop punk vocals (this like NOFX level pop punk). The juxtaposition of the music and vocals make this a killer track. I just can’t get enough of it.

Veiwfinders’ Running From the Ground, is slow, trippy, and soothing, yet has these small subtle hooks that latch into the listener.

Totally Slow’s Everybody Give Up has a rock-a-billy guitar, alternative vibe, and 80s new wave vocals. Now you may think that sounds ridiculous, but you, my friend, would be wrong. It creates a super unique sound and killer attitude. My favorite part, though, is towards the end, where the vocals just totally lose control.

The last song on the split is Teaheads, Lately. Lately is a Rock and roll song with a snarl and some smoothness. It feels like that guy who hits on you at the bar, who you know if feeding you lines, yet he is so good looking you don’t care. This song reminds me of The Rolling Stones, not so much The Stones music, but being some sort of incarnation of Mick Jagger’s essence. This one is probably my favorite song on the split.

Stream each of the tracks over at Bandcamp.