The Nexus of Pop-Culture Fandom

Worship This_Tomorrow_Ill_M

Album Review :: Worship This! :: Tomorrow I’ll Miss You

Written by: Andrea Janov, CC2K Music Editor

Worship This_Tomorrow_Ill_MWorship This! ::  Tomorrow I’ll Miss You :: A-F Records

I heard Worship this on a comp a few months ago and I was hooked. Intensely passionate screamed vocals and a music that grounds you, it is an irresistible combination.

Tomorrow I’ll Miss You explodes with raspy vocals yelling “I don’t want to be human” with an intensity that just burrows into you. The track, I, Human continues with these amazing vocals and small moments of melody.

Jen, With 2 N’s and Bike Ride lay somewhere between emo and screamo yet no doubt are dripping with emotion. Indifferent has a killer sing along chorus within a slow track. Summit Tower has an amazing stripped down vocal intro that morphs into and emo/indie track with a solid rock and roll sound. Springs and Levers has an indie pop nuance, to it and The Fear of Missing Out has a pop punk voice funneled through and emo sensibility. Purpose and Meaning walks the line between indie and rock and has some great “Whoa”s. Whatever Happened to You Melissa is a gruffer, screamo-ier track that really seems to realize its voice.

My pick for the best song on the album is between I, Human and Red Herring. Red Herring has a classic old school indie rock feel to it – it is the one that pits will be screaming along to.

Worship This!’s Tomorrow I’ll Miss You is out now on A-F Records. Man, is A-F Records make a strong name for themselves.