Album Review :: Young Turks :: Where I Lie
Written by: Andrea Janov, CC2K Music Editor
As I am sure that you have gathered from reading my articles from the past few months, I am totally a punk/pop punk/post punk type of girl. With that said, I fucking love this album. Young Turks’ Where I Lie is a record that takes hardcore punk back to its roots. This album harnesses the sound, attitude, and energy that was created in bands like Minor Threat and Black Flag.
Both the attitude and heart that Young Turks bring to hardcore is something unique. It is not something that you necessarily hear, or something that I can convey to you in these words, but it is something that you feel as you are listing to this record. The passionate vocals that kick off the album make you a promise and suck you in immediately, “And if I promise just one thing for the rest of my life.” That is the sort of heart that made punk the entity that it is today.
I cannot tell you what tracks are the best, because they are all pretty killer. They are fast, fun, energetic, and passionate. Vocalist, Matt Koeing found the perfect balance between singing and screaming to create a very accessible and identifiable vocals while the music creates a powerful and moving sound. Each track rises and falls and therefore evokes its own emotional response. Northwest Darkness did tempted me to hit repeat once or twice. Northwest Darkness and Chavez and Gilsan remind of AFI the “Shut Your Mouth and Open Your Eyes” years (and the direction that I wished they would have continued in).
Every band has their own reasons and catalysts for making music, but I must say that I have not heard something this raw and genuine in a long time. This record captures an essence that bands only strive to create through their whole careers. Punk rock needs more bands like the Young Turks. So go listen to the stream of Where I Lie over at Punknews.org. Then after you fall in love, head over to Animal Style to order your copy of the record (you even have your choice of colored vinyl).
You can also stay up to date on tour info and general band antics on all the usual places, facebook, tumblr, and twitter.