The Nexus of Pop-Culture Fandom


Album Reviews :: All Dinosaurs :: Rules of Civility and Decent Behavior and The Welch Boys :: Bring Back The Fight

Written by: Andrea Janov, CC2K Music Editor

DinoAll Dinosaurs :: Rules of Civility and Decent Behavior :: A-F records

The album starts of out with Rules of Civility…A short track that is all chanting/singing along that pulls the listener right in and  makes them feel like they are a part of the album. Rules of Civility and Decent Behavior then shows itseld as a classic punk rock hard core record. It doesn’t limit itslef though, within this album there are moments of screamo, moments of crooning, moments of thrashy punk rock, and moments of rock and roll guitars. This is a band who does want they want and feels free to create without answering to anyone or fitting in to anyone’s boxes. And the most important element, you can feel their passion in every note of every song. These are punk rock kids who care about music and what it means, they are a perfect match for A-F Records.

As great as this album is, I imagine that these tracks will get even better when they are performed live. 



Welch-Boys-BBTF-coverThe Welch Boys :: Bring Back The Fight :: Sailor’s Grave Records

This record starts off with a bang. Bring Back the Fight is made to be sung along to, gain followers, and become an anthem. The album is fast punk rock with a hardcore edge. The beats are heavy, the vocals are gruff, and the hooks are irresistible. Where Have All the Boot Boys Gone has layered vocals that make singing along inevitable. Hand Granade has great hardcore verses and an amazingly catchy chorus. Sudden Death has the perfect balance and harsh and catchy elements. And Someone’s Gonna Die finally has the Oi’s that you’ve been expecting. The best way to explain these tracks is that they are filled with a testosterone fueled energy that is simply irresistible.