The Nexus of Pop-Culture Fandom


Album Reviews :: Greys, Brief Lives, Burners, Heat Dust

Written by: Andrea Janov, CC2K Music Editor

All---4.27Greys :: Drift out now on Kind of Like Records 

Greys’ Drift is a three song EP that totally accosts you (in that way that punk rock used to do). The first track, Carjack, is loud, fast, thrashy hardcore punk rock. Track two, Drag is straightforward hardcore with just a bit of an alternative nuance. Track three, Pill is gritty and distorted alternative track that totally earns its place on a hardcore record.

Check out this EP. It will knock your socks off.

Brief Lives :: Whistleblower is out now via Bandcamp

Whistleblower is a two track EP self-released by Richmond Virginia’s Brief Lives. Both Whistleblower and No Voice are super interesting gritty alternative/punk hybrids with a dash of garage rock. My favorite of the two tracks is No Voice because it has the vibe of early Iggy and the Stooges. It is crossing genres and owning it.

As a bonus, their previous releases are available on their bandcamp as a Name Your Own Price download.


Burners :: Feast is out now on Money Pit Media

Feast is Burners debut EP and is available through the band’s own Money Pit Media (as a Name Your Own Price download). Feast is an angry passionate hardcore punk record full of thrashy music, strained vocals, and perfectly timed breakdowns.

#DIY and Problem Solved are tied for my favorite tracks, they are a bit catchier (if you can call any of these tracks catchy) than the rest of the album (or maybe you can call them the most sing-along-able tracks). They will both really get the pit involved. Battery is pretty killer too.

There is so much energy and heart packed into this EP that it totally makes me excited to see where Burners will go next. You can stream Feast over at


Heat Dust :: Heat Dust is out now on Texas is Funny Records

Heat Dust has a very unique sound. It lays somewhere in between alternative, indie, garage rock, and experimental. There is a lot of feedback and distortion, the vocals are fairly discreet, and it over takes you in an instant. The album fluctuates from slow to trippy to creepy to hard and fast, all without batting an eye. The best way I can describe these track are – if your weird surreal dreams had a soundtrack. Anything more concrete would be doing them a disservice.