The Nexus of Pop-Culture Fandom

Axel Alonso is Marvel’s Editor-In-Chief

Written by: Gary M. Kenny, CC2K Comics Editor

With a huge move to bring in the new year, Marvel Entertainment has named Axel Alonso their new Editor-In-Chief, replacing Joe Quesada (who’s been Marvel’s E-I-C for over 10 years). Though most people are surprised with the change, for the past few months Axel has been one the main contributors handling the more detailed functions of the stories within Marvel Comics and doing a lot of the E-I-C work.

Axel Alonso started his career as a writer and an inker. His claim to fame is mostly for his work at DC comics as an editor. He came to Marvel in 2000 and before long ascended to Senior Editor in 2009, Vice President, Executive Editor in 2010, and now Editor-in-Chief in January 2011.



Back in June of 2010 Joe Quesada was named Chief Creative Officer for Marvel Entertainment. He was handling time consuming jobs as CCO and E-I-C, people like Axel had to step up and give a hand while Quesada traveled. Making Axel Alonso Editor-In-Chief was not a surprising move by Marvel but a very wise one.


Quesada in an interview with CBR states that CCO:

What that simply means is that, along with overseeing publishing, I’ll have a hand guiding everything from animation to movies to TV as we move forward in this amazing new Disney world we now live in. The best part of this is that I’ll also have an opportunity to work in a more official capacity with all of the incredible people we have in all our creative divisions.”

Imagine that job plus running the storyboard and universe of Marvel Comics, pretty time consuming. Making Axel E-I-C will make Marvel into an even larger power house in 2011 and our favorite characters and stories will flourish. Good luck Axel, we at CC2K wish you the best.

Here is Marvel’s Official Press Release

Marvel Worldwide, Inc announced today that it has promoted Axel Alonso to Editor-in-Chief, Marvel Entertainment. In this new role, Mr. Alonso will report to Dan Buckley Publisher & President, Print, Animation & Digital Divisions, Marvel Worldwide Inc. Mr. Alonso will oversee all day to day aspects of Marvel’s Publishing division, including advising on the editorial creative direction, developing new storylines and brainstorming new initiatives. Additionally, Mr. Alonso will work on creative aspects of development of larger corporate initiatives involving Marvel’s popular library of characters. The announcement was made today by Joe Quesada, Chief Creative Officer of Marvel Entertainment.

Mr. Quesada stated, “It’s with tremendous pride that I announce Axel Alonso’s promotion to Editor-In-Chief. For over a decade, Axel’s been instrumental in bringing fresh new voices to Marvel and reinventing our biggest characters like Spider-Man, the X-Men, Wolverine and so many more. He’s fought to create unique imprints like Marvel MAX while also bringing fresh new voices to the Marvel family.”

Working in comics for over 15 years, Mr. Alonso began working at Marvel in 2000 as a Senior Editor and was promoted to Vice President, Executive Editor in 2010. Overseeing acclaimed runs of AMAZING SPIDER-MAN and X-MEN, in addition to shepherding groundbreaking projects such as X-STATIX and RAWHIDE KID, Mr. Alonso developed a reputation for bringing readers the unexpected and the electrifying. He also oversaw cross-promotional projects such as the creative collaboration between Marvel Entertainment and ESPN The Magazine on their recent NBA Preview issue, which drew attention across the world from mainstream media for it’s innovation.

“Marvel has a great history of the most dynamic and memorable EiCs in comics history and I’m honored to step into this role,” said Axel Alonso. “I’ve been blessed to work with some of the most creative men and women in the world, bringing to life some of the most compelling stories you’ll find in any medium. This new role provides me with exciting challenges and prospects I’ve never encountered before, but I know one thing—Marvel’s getting even bigger in 2011.”

“Most of you know Axel from his high profile job as Vice President, Executive Editor and the man behind some of our very best and edgiest books,” added Joe Quesada. “Time and time again, Axel has proven that he is one of the very best story editors in the history of our medium and one of the finest people I know. And, like everyone here at Marvel, he has one single focus, bringing you the best stories with the best characters in all of comicdom. That’s why I have no doubt that Axel will bring Marvel Comics to greater heights than it’s ever known!”

As part of this strategic initiative, Joe Quesada will focus on his duties as Chief Creative Officer, overseeing Marvel’s creative endeavors in film, television, publishing, digital and more. In his ten-year tenure as Editor-In-Chief, Mr. Quesada was instrumental in Marvel’s rise to prominence as a global entertainment juggernaut and the increased profile of the comic book medium. Mr. Quesada brings his expertise and experience to further strengthen the Marvel brand as a leader in worldwide entertainment.