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Bar Mitzvah Boy Turns Leading Man: Spielberg Besieged with Fresh Offers

Written by: Rob Van Winkle, CC2K Staff Writer

Source: The Hollywood Reporter

Image Francis Ford Coppola has cast relatively unknown actor Alden Ehrenreich as the lead role in his upcoming film Tetro, about a young man who travels to Buenos Aires to find a long-lost relative.

Ehrenreich has only two credits to his name to date: one episode of CSI, and another on CW's Supernatural. However, insiders credit his casting to his incredible good looks, transcendent presence, and perhaps the fact that Steven Spielberg apparently discovered him when he (Spielberg) saw him (Ehrenreich) perform in a video at a bat mitzvah that both attended.

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The casting has caused two ripple effects in Hollywood: 

First, struggling performers everywhere have begun scouring local Hadassah chapters and synagogue newsletters looking for venues to be discovered, and second, Spielberg has reportedly been invited to some thirty thousand bar and bat mitzvahs in the past week. 

Neither actor or director could be reached for comment, but those seeking interview or audience are advised to do so before Friday at sundown, when Shabbat begins.