CC2K Comics Weekly Pull List For November 15, 2011
Written by: Gary M. Kenny, CC2K Comics Editor
Each week we build up our comic book pile. Some of us save our favorite titles for last while others cannot wait to get their fix. Now that gas prices are at an all time high, our comic collections suffer. Let CC2K save you a few dollars, here is September 15th, 2011’s “under $20 dollars week in review.”

Magneto and the X-Men pay a visit to the Academy. Of course the Master of Magnetism gets into an argument with Quicksilver and our favorite Avengers in training get in the middle of it. New students! New staff! New West Coast Academy! Lots of changes but these cadets still needs lots of training.

Batman #3
Bats digs deeper into the mystery of the recent owl murders, he soon finds himself face to face with a shocking enemy – an enemy the Wayne family has secretly been at war with for centuries.This story is changing how the soul of Gotham City. Who really has been guarding the city all this time. Plus this book has a great cliff hanger. Great story. Pick of the week!