The Nexus of Pop-Culture Fandom

CC2K Hype Train: Indiana Jones and the Tomb of the Gods – A Preview

Written by: Ron Bricker

ImageIf there is name for adventure, it must be Indiana Jones! With Indy Week here at CC2K running full steam ahead, as well as the release of the new Indy film, Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, mere days away, we here at CC2K Comics turn our attention to the latest Indiana Jones comic, Tomb of the Gods, hitting shelves mid June.

Indiana Jones and the Tomb of the Gods fits into the timeframe between the first two Indy films, Raiders of the Lost Ark and Temple of Doom. While re-watching the Indy films, writer Rob Williams took notice to the change in mindset Indy goes through between these two films. Raiders shows an Indy sacrificing everything in the name of archeology, the perfect example being the end of the film where he can’t bring himself to destroy the ark even with the knowledge that it could mean the Nazi’s victory in the war. However, Temple of Doom’s Indy is a much more caring individual, much less materialistic. Therefore, Rob Williams plans to tackle this shift in personality throughout the course of his new Indy comic Tomb of the Gods.

Personally, I like the idea. Where other Indy comics have told “lost adventures,” Tomb of the Gods seems to have an underlining through-line that will help expand the important emotional dynamic of the Indiana Jones franchise. One can only hope that the best side-kick in the history of pop culture, Short Round, makes an appearance and even better, is the reason for this emotional shift.

And guess what? Nazis are back baby! A staple of the Indiana Jones franchise, Nazis will make a return as the main villain. However, there is a twist. Instead of faceless Hitler cronies running around, Dr. Jones will be competing with his counterparts from the Nazi party. Think Belloq from Raiders, but a whole group of evil archeologists that are Nazis….cool. On the hero side of the coin, Indy’s pal, Brody, makes a return, as he was one of Rob Williams’ favorite aspects of Last Crusade.

Steve Scott will be the artist lending his line-work to Tomb of the Gods. If the preview pages (below, courtesy of Newsarama) are any indication, readers are in for a hell of a treat. Characters resemble their actor counterparts perfectly, making this new book fit visually, as well as thematically, with the rest of the franchise.

Everyone and their mothers are Jonesin’ for more Indy right now. So if the new movie isn’t enough of a fix, head to your local comic shop to pick up the first issue of Tomb of the Gods to continue the adventure from the safety of your own home.







