The Nexus of Pop-Culture Fandom

Comic-Con: ‘Megamind,’ ‘Walking Dead,’ ‘Saw 7’

Written by: Tony Lazlo, CC2K Staff Writer
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ImageMore news from Comic-Con:

• AICN got a first look at a new Drew Struzan poster, this one for AMC’s new series The Walking Dead.


• Over at the panel for Dreamworks’ Megamind, Latino Review reports that director Tom McGrath said that the movie’s villain is one through circumstance. It also sounds like the flick is going to invert the hero and villain.

“[The villain] finds about that he’s playing for the wrong side. The hero, that is also kind of more of a facade of a hero, and the reporter, a damsel who turns out to be very strong and doesn’t need anyone to rescue her. Jonah, we can’t really talk about his character specifically but he does have a large part in the movie.”

Sounds interesting!

• Hey, it’s the trailer for Saw 7: