The Nexus of Pop-Culture Fandom

Comic-Con Roundup: Cap Shot, Avengers Assemble, Green Lantern Oath, Harry Potter and More

Written by: Tony Lazlo, CC2K Staff Writer
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ImageWe’ve got more round-up news from San Diego, including a peek at Chris Evans in costume as Captain America.
• I heard that Blue Beetle and Booster Gold are both confirmed for Smallville season 10, though I don’t have confirmation.

• Latino Review has a new trailer for the Paul Bettany vampire adventure Priest.

• Man. DC Universe Online unveiled a trailer for a new game (or something) that follows the DC characters as — of all people — Lex Luthor travels back in time to save the day. It looks stunning.

• Here’s a new poster for the original Dark Crystal. I understand it was a freebie.
Source: ArchaiaComics


• Tom Felton, Harry Potter’s Draco Malfoy, appeared at the Harry Potter panel, where Warner Bros. showed some new footage.

[foldergallery folder=”wp-content/uploads/images/potterpanel”]

Collider has a full description of the footage.

We see Voldemort looking down at Dumbledore’s body, Potter at a grave on the beach as well as his parents one, a fight between Ron and Harry, several scenes of the wedding at the Weasley’s, the Gringots robbery, all the Potter clones (which was so bad ass), the huge gathering of Death Eaters from the beginning of the book, the fight with the snake, and much, much more.

• Latino Review reports that Predators 2 is a go. Robert Rodriguez commented on the project:

“[The studio] said, ‘Let’s do some other ones. What other story ideas do you have?'” says the filmmaker. “Because it was like, let’s test out the market with this one. They really wanted it to be pretty contained, pretty scaled-back. They didn’t want to put too many of the ideas into it that we could save for a second one. So we could see what the appetite was, because the bigger movie would actually be what comes following that. That kind of sets up a new storyline, new location and world, and then you can really go crazy from there.”

• The adult industry also unveiled a big new project on the floor. Our intrepid friends over at Geekscape broke the news that eminent adult spoofmeister Axel Braun plans to send up Star Wars in Star Wars XXX.

• Hey, wanna hear Ryan Reynolds recite the Green Lantern oath for a thrilled little kid?


• We ran across this screenshot of Chris Evans in costume as Captain America from the Marvel panel:


• And here they are, all assembled and ready to kick some ass. Confirmed casting: Mark Ruffalo as Bruce Banner, Jeremy Renner as Hawkeye and Nathan Fillion as Hank Pym. Awesome.

[foldergallery folder=”wp-content/uploads/images/avengerssdcc”]