The Nexus of Pop-Culture Fandom

Comics on Comics Radio #4: Jason Aaron

Written by: Joey Esposito, Special to CC2K

ImageHost Sax Carr and the CoC panelists Asterios Kokkinos (Cracked Magazine, NPR’s Marketplace), Steven Saunders (Secret Cross) and Blair Marnell (Wizard Magazine) welcome Jason Aaron (Scalped, Ghost Rider, Wolverine: Weapon X) for a hell raising hour of comics and comedy! 

This week, our panel examines the true origins of Elton John’s Pride & Predator movie, Dark Avengers # 2, “Dark Wolverine”, Ms. Marvel, the latest issues of Iron Man, Birds of Prey # 127, DC’s “After Watchmen” marketing program and the various projects of Jason Aaron, including his upcoming Wolverine: Weapon X ongoing series… 

Also, during the show, listen closely for details on how you can win a free graphic novel or trade paperback of your choice from, courtesy of your friends at!