The Nexus of Pop-Culture Fandom

Eric Bana will Chase Kirk Round the Antares Maelstrom…or Something Like That

Written by: Big Ross, CC2K Staff Writer

ImageSource: Variety

While rumors have been swirling regarding the casting of the villain in JJ Abrams upcoming Star Trek reboot/prequel/pseudo-sequel, we now have confirmation of who will be out to attempt the demise of the Enterprise and her crew.  Although early rumors pointed to Karl Urban or even Russell Crowe, it is now being reported that fellow Aussie Eric Bana (Chopper, The Hulk, Troy) has been cast as a villain named Nero in the newest Star Trek film. Given Abrams' almost Midas-touch with geek properties in Hollywood (M:I III excepted), let's hope he can find some other big names to join the cast.

Anton Yelchin (Chekhov), Zachary Quinto (young spock), Zoe Saldana (Uhura) and Leonard Nimoy (Spock) have already joined the cast.

Mike Vogel is rumored to be in talks to play Kirk, though Nathan Fillion  won an online poll in Entertainment Weekly to play the role, and isn't that what counts, after all?