The Nexus of Pop-Culture Fandom

Good News: Jackson and Blomkamp Team for Sci-Fi Movie; Bad News: It Is Not Halo

Written by: Big Ross, CC2K Staff Writer

ImageSource: Variety

While gamers everywhere (or almost everywhere) have been waiting with baited breath for news of Peter Jackson and Neil Blomkamp's collaboration on an adaptation of the hugely popular Halo game, they're going to have to keep on waiting.  But in the meantime, how about seeing another collaborative effort in the form of a sci-fi movie?

Jackson will produce District 9, a film that Blomkamp will be making his major debut on as director.  He also wrote the script for the movie with his partner Terri Tatchell.  Some plot details are expected to be officially leaked in the next few days.  Stay tuned.

More after the jump! 

Even though their collaboration on Halo fell through (or at best, is on hold) Jackson and Blomkamp stayed in touch and developed the idea for District 9.  Jackson said, "For the last year, my team and I have had the pleasure of working very closely with Neill.  He has a passion and a command of the language of cinema that will result in 'District 9' fascinating people all over the world."


Damn, that's some pretty high praise from one of the best directors around today.  I'm anxious to see this film, if for no other reason than it will give me a much better idea of what their Halo film could be.