The Nexus of Pop-Culture Fandom

Happy Birthday, Jesus! Here Are Some Christmas Successories

Written by: Scott Wance, Special to CC2K

CC2K's Scott Wance thinks this is the most wonderful time of the year … to make fun of.

ImageEditor's note: When we last heard from Scott Wance, the intrepid blogger and professional man wow'ed us with his Indiana Jones-themed Successories posters. In case you don't remember, Successories posters are those austere prints you see in corporate environments that usually show one dramatic image – a waterfall, a sunset – accompanied by a motivational word and a pithy sentence. They are worthy targets of scorn and spoofery, and the good Mr. Wance was only too happy to celebrate an irreverent holiday season with some more. Enjoy!


[foldergallery folder=”wp-content/uploads/images/xmassuccessories”]

Be sure to check out Scott's blog, too!