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Lucas Delivers Spoilers In Photo-Heavy Vanity Fair Indiana Jones Expose

Written by: Tony Lazlo, CC2K Staff Writer
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ImageSource: Vanity Fair

Vanity Fair has some great new photos from Indiana Jones and The Kingdom of The Crystal Skull, as well as an extensive write up about all the major players involved.

As usual, George Lucas comes off like a tone-deaf prat. More after the jump!

Check out his thoughts on the fans:

"The fans are all upset. They're always going to be upset. 'Why did he do it like this? And why didn't he do it like this?' They write their own movie, and then, if you don't do their movie, they get upset about it. So you just have to stand by for the bricks and the custard pies, because they're going to come flying your way."

What the fuck is he talking about? The only movie we "wrote" for the Star Wars prequels was a non-shitty version of it. Lucas remains unaware of his own incompetence as an artist and the low quality of his movies.


In SPOILER ALERT territory, Lucas also offers these nuggets:

And then (spoiler warning) Lucas gets a little more (spoiler alert) specific: Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull will apparently nudge our hero away from his usual milieu of spooky archaeology and into the realm of (spoiler Code Red) science fiction.

“What it is that made it perfect was the fact that the MacGuffin I wanted to use and the idea that Harrison would be 20 years older would fit,” Lucas says. “So that put it in the mid-50s, and the MacGuffin I was looking at was perfect for the mid-50s. I looked around and I said, ‘Well, maybe we shouldn’t do a 30s serial, because now we’re in the 50s. What is the same kind of cheesy-entertainment action movie, what was the secret B movie, of the 50s?’ So instead of doing a 30s Republic serial, we’re doing a B science-fiction movie from the 50s. The ones I’m talking about are, like, The Creature from the Black Lagoon, The Blob, The Thing. So by putting it in that context, it gave me a way of approaching the whole thing.”

The flick opens May 22.
