The Nexus of Pop-Culture Fandom

NYCC’10: Day 3: Mimobots and Cosplay

Written by: Gary M. Kenny, CC2K Comics Editor

ImageCC2K brings you the final day of the New York Comic Con’10. We spoke with the Mimobot Team and they showed us how toys can also have computer purposes. In this article there are usb toys, sexy vixens and amazing robots. Read on!



We met with Jessica Smiley over at the Mimobot booth on Friday. Before we go on, I must tell you, everyone over at Mimobot has been a pleasure to talk to and was so ridiculously helpful and fun. Normally i’d make a video interview but there was so much dancing going on that the camera would be going all over the place. Jessica explained how Mimobot is both a collectable toy yet also a USB 2.0 Flash memory drive. Each character has models with either 2GB, 4GB, 8GB, or 16GB’s worth of space. Included in the drive are wallpapers, icons, sound bytes and other digital extras depending on which character you buy. ImageThere are two types of Mimobot buyers: One who needs a hip flash drive and the other are the art collecter type. The Mimobot range is available in several crossover designs, such as Star Wars, Hello Kitty, Halo, and Japan’s Domo and the Mimobot Artist Series has functioned as a canvas for pop-artists like Gary Baseman, Jon Burgerman, and Simone Legno amongst other fresh designer toy, street art, and urban cultured talent. Jessica handed me one of their most popular limited edition pieces: RayD81, he’s a skeleton bear creature and the kicker is: he glows in the dark!

The Mimobot booth had several DJ robots pumping out great 80’s jams (watch our video). I asked Jessica: “How did Mimobot start?” She replied with “Before I get into that, I have to dance!” Then the whole Mimobot team started dancing. That might seem rude during an interview but the electric team Mimobot has working for them are all about everyone having a good time and they know: they are selling fun. Anyone who walked over to their booth they won over and I bet most walked away with a cool usb toy.

Jessica continued and told me how Mimobot started around 5 years ago (2010) in Boston. They started out in the pop-culture driven Art Toy underground and the savvy high-tech ‘tronic world and once they hit the convention scene things really started to blow up! With them working with so many great companies such as Star Wars, Hello Kitty; people really started to take notice. You should take notice too and head over to MIMOBOT.COM


and here is your daily Cosplay:


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