The Nexus of Pop-Culture Fandom

NYCC’11: I Am A Stuffed Animal

Written by: Gary M. Kenny, CC2K Comics Editor

Did you ever want a toy in your own likeness? A mini version of yourself that you could wrestle with? NYCC’11 displayed some amazing toys, but the real knockout was what the folks over at “I am a stuffed animal” put out:  a customized personal stuffed buddy. Yes you can own an inexpensive toy version of yourself. Ya, we here at CC2K help you find the good stuff.




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All you have to do is log on to or IAASA for short. Upload 3 photos of yourself. Answer a few questions like: “What is your eye color?” Tell them what you’d like to wear, since everything at IAASA is fully customizable and in no time you’ll be stuffed. Each individual stuffed animal will run you around $69 for the original buddy and $49 for the mini version. Plus it only takes up to 4-6 weeks to arrive at your doorstep which is no time at all for a custom made product. 

IAASA has been seen on G4tv, MSNBC, and ESPN. The IAASA Blog shows celebrity dolls in the hands of said celebrity. At NYCC’11 alone Jason Mewes, Felicia Day, Seth Green, and Mark Hamill all were photoed with their stuffed animal. Hey, the greatest part about this company is the fact that they are making you into a toy and you don’t even have to be famous. Now only if there was a company that could get me a guest role on the Simpsons and i’d be set.

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