The Nexus of Pop-Culture Fandom

Reitman Joins Forces with Diablo for a Demonic Possession

Written by: Big Ross, CC2K Staff Writer

ImageSource: The Hollywood Reporter

Director Jason Reitman (Thank You for Smoking, Juno) and writer Diablo Cody (Juno) are teaming up again for Jennifer’s Body, a new comedic horror film written by Cody.

Jennifer’s Body follows a cheerleader possessed by a demon that forces her to start killing off boys in her small Minnesota town. It’s up to her "plain Jane" best friend to stop her homicidal rampage, and deliver justice to the Satan-worshiping rock band that is responsible her friend’s possession.

Megan Fox (Transformers) has already signed on to the film, I’m guessing to star in the role of the cheerleader. Follow the jump for proof she’s not exactly "plain Jane", plus Reitman talks about doing comedic horror. Image

Reitman said,

"Comedy and horror have always been inescapable cousins. They both draw a similar type of storyteller, one who wants to manipulate the audience. Whether you want to make an audience laugh or you want to make an audience freak out, you’re looking for a similar firsthand relationship with the viewer where you are pushing them to react."