The Nexus of Pop-Culture Fandom

Reminder: Free Comic Book Day This Saturday, May 7th!

Written by: Gary M. Kenny, CC2K Comics Editor

ImageEvery year the comic book industry puts on the even known as Free Comic Book Day (FCBD) on the first Saturday of May, where publishers give out certain books for free in an effort to draw in new readers and/or old fans into the modern world of comics. This Saturday, May 7th, be sure to head over to your local comic book store and see what they’ve got to offer!


This year is the 10th anniversary of FCB Day.Most stores also offer various sales in conjunction with FCBD. If you’re not sure where there’s a local shop near you, use the Comic Shop Locator . You can check out a quick summary of some of the books publishers will be giving away below:

Amazing Spider-Man

Green Lantern

Kungfu Panda

Mouse Guard

Young Justice

Adventures of Adam West

and click here for the complete list…


Swing by your local comic book store to grab some of these free titles or better yet, bring someone and introduce them to the world of comics.