Review :: Moovalya :: Moovalya
Written by: Andrea Janov, CC2K Music Editor
This week’s band, I discovered through Twitter. (Or well, they found me.) I of course had to explore who these guys were and I was super psyched to discover how much they rocked. In the beginning I wasn’t convinced that social media was going to be a good thing for punk rock. I think I had some fear of the community disintegrating (which I can see now was totally irrational) but I kind love being reminded of how wrong I was. Moovalya (pronounced move-all-ya) totally showed me how awesome it can be to connect with and hear a band that otherwise would be totally unaware of.
Moovalya is a great example of the fact that punk is not dead. These hardworking DIY boys are tearing up their local scene in Phoenix AZ while busting their asses releasing their own albums.
Their latest album, self-titled, Moovalya is 20 minutes of momentum. Yes, I mean momentum. From the first chords we are thrown into this album and there is not one dip in energy for the rest of the record. The songs are fast, fun, and solid.
They aren’t afraid to use some melody with their screaming or some snarl with their rhythms. I has a hard time picking out my favorite track on the album, they are all pretty rad, and it is the type of album, that once it grabs hold, it doesn’t let you go until it is done with you. Time to Go is the track that stands out to me, it is a bit louder, a bit thrashier, a bit more in your face that the rest of the album, and I just love the aggressive feel to it. But I assure you that from To the Throne to Tattoos, you will not be disappointed.
Their sound and attitudes border somewhere between Anti-Flag and 30 Foot Fall. You know, that straight forward punk rock that is fun and meaningful all in the same breath. The punk rock that is designed to get you fucking moving. These songs are awesome on the album, but they are begging to be heard live, where you can thrash in the pit and scream along.
These super awesome guys have scored a spot on the Phoenix AZ date of Warped Tour, so if you are in the area go listen to their set, and stop by the Dagger Sight Booth to possibly score a limited edition pressing of the new album.
They have covered all the bases for those of us who aren’t in Phoenix, you’ll can settle for buying the album at Google Play or Amazon or streaming it on Spotify.