The Nexus of Pop-Culture Fandom

Show Review :: Beach Slang :: Pittsburgh PA

Written by: Andrea Janov, CC2K Music Editor

Beach Slang :: Mr. Roboto Project :: Pittsburgh PA :: August 23 2015

On Sunday I had the chance to see Beach Slang live for the first time. I had loved them for the first time I heard their first EP but I missed them last time they came through Pittsburgh. This time, even though it was a Sunday night, I was determined to go see them. As a relatively recent transplant to Pittsburgh, I had also never been to the Mr. Roboto Project before. Though I am sure that I missed something special the first time they performed in Pittsburgh, I am glad that I got to see them at such a great venue.

Roboto instantly reminded me of the venue I grew up going to shows at, is small, and humid, and full of restlessness.The room was already full by the time I got there and only became more packed with every band. Beach Slang was the third band to play and the crowd was already primed.

Between the genuine banter and quirky humor, you have to be made of stone if you don’t, at the very least, find yourself endeared to Beach Slang. Lead singer, James Alex Snyder is the main vocal point even of the stage banter, his persona simply pours out on stage. Be it nervous energy or simply the inability to hold down all of the ardor that he has bubbling inside him, he gives it all to the audience, in the most natural way.

The music was great, the set was awesome. I don’t think that anyone who has ever heard one of their EPs would ever doubt anything less than that, but to me, it is the energy they create with those songs that matters. Their songs make you want to close your eyes and let them wash over you, even in the middle of a pit. They launched from song to song getting tangled in cords because the stage was too small to hold so much energy. They played some of my favorites and we heard a few new ones off their new album which is due out in October (man, I cannot wait to hear it).

As the old school punk rock kids that they are, they made the comment that there are not enough places like Roboto in the country. This is where these guys should be playing, small venues where they connect with audiences and the sweat is dripping off the walls. Maybe that is selfish though, they deserve to play in huge places, performing their amazing music and spreading their fantastic attitude, just lighting everyone on fire. And I 100% believe that their spark can ignite a whole goddamned stadium.

Their energy is infectious, I always have a great time at shows, but this extended somewhere into the summer air. Driving home with the windows open and the music blasting made me feel like I haven’t in years. The whole world was quiet and open, alive with possibilities. Everyone in the world should feel that way, at least every once in a while. Go see one of the shows on this tour, feel some magic.