The Nexus of Pop-Culture Fandom

Silverstein: Rescue

Written by: Andrea Janov, CC2K Music Editor

Rescue Silverstein’s first album with Hopeless Records is an infectious force with guttural screams and catchy melodies. The music, lyrics, and balance of the vocal styles make every song organic and natural. This album is one of those rare times when all of the elements came together to create something that feels complete. From the first chords, the album seeped through my skin and sat heavy on my chest until I surrendered to its experience.



Throughout Rescue Silverstein’s varied influences soak through to create a unique balance of hardcore, emo, metal, screamo, and punk to create a sound that is distinctly their own. From Medication to In Memory Of… the honest and personal lyrics compel the listener to connect while the melodies have already hooked them and the screamo sections have dragged them into the depths of the songs.

Medication kicks off the album with the buildup of guitars and a voice that shoots out from a momentary quiet, it makes us stand at attention in anticipation for what the rest of the album will bring. Songs like Medication, Forget Your Heart and Darling Harbour play more heavily with punk, while Good Luck With Your Lives and In Memory Of… have an distinct emo influence, and songs like Intervention, The Artist, and Live to Kill stay closer to the hardcore influences. Yet each song contains elements of echo of the other genres. Though each of the songs on Rescue has its own dynamic, this truly is a cohesive album, where each song builds on the others to form the record.

Though their quiet breakdowns and exploding screams are enough to hook the listener, their lyrics are not to be over looked. The Artist contemplates and artistic life with lyrics that leave the listener open to insert their own experiences and opinions, “The sleepless nights have no compassion / and the dreams that come aren’t true / a charade of lies unconscious” In Burning Hearts they address every lyricist’s muse, heartbreak, “And if my body makes it out / unscathed and safe from broken vows / a promise broken leaves me holding on / I just can’t get a hold of why we always hurt the ones we love / can burning hearts still keep us strong”. The listener begins to scream along, identifying with every word.

The intentions of the band are clear in both their music and their lyrics. From individual song to the album as a whole, every element was planned and executed just as the band wanted it. It is this respect for both art and emotion that make Rescue an album of note.

Rescue is available on cd, vinyl, and digital download via Hopeless Records. The cd release contains six extra tracks of demos, B-sides, and acoustic versions. The inclusion of these additional tracks adds yet another layer to Silverstein, the acoustic versions help separate these songs from the album and they actually translate flawlessly in to pretty kick ass acoustic versions. It is totally worth having to upload an actual disk to your iTunes.

Now, this wouldn’t be a complete Silverstein review if I didn’t include at least a quick note about their activism. Through not directly included in their music, Silverstein reminds fans and critics alike, that there are still punk bands who believe in change and the advancement of society. With the release of Rescue Silverstein is creating some buzz for animal homelessness and The Take Action Tour.

The cd release contains a peta2 logo and a short blurb from the band advocating the adoption of shelter animals. Though I could talk for paragraphs about this issue, I will simply say, props to them for always sparking awareness and please go visit peta2 and sign the pledge to end animal homelessness and receive some free videos from the band.

Silverstein is on tour now, co-headlining the Take Action Tour (Hopeless Records/Sub City). Do yourself a favor and check them out. They are excited to play these songs live, so it is sure to be a kick ass show. Dates and more info about this year’s non-profit are at the Take Action Tour Website.