The Nexus of Pop-Culture Fandom


Single Review :: Danny Stoddard

Written by: Andrea Janov, CC2K Music Editor

Danny-StoddardYou may all remember Danny Stoddard from a review I did a while back for CC2K. Danny is a one man powerhouse, he plays his own instruments (like all of them), writes his own lyrics and music (often times with collaborator and producer Matty Amendola), and sings his own songs. And on top of it all he is only 18.

I reviewed Danny’s Melinda Rose EP for CC2K and was blown away by his talent and the way he is able to blend together musical styles that traditionally clash with one another. Since the Melinda Rose EP Danny has been playing shows and working on his new single, There Is No In Between, which is out today.

There Is No In Between begins with slow, pretty vocals before this hard music kicks in and changes all your expectations. For the rest of the track, the vocals range from guttural metal hardcore growls and screams to delicate melodies and the remarkable thing is that, it flows naturally.

You can pick up the single on Amazon or iTunes or check out Danny’s page for info and download links.

Also, you can get to know a bit about Danny and his music through this YouTube video.