The Nexus of Pop-Culture Fandom

Star Trek Pushed Back to Summer 2009

Written by: Tony Lazlo, CC2K Staff Writer
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ImageSource: Variety

Damn! Variety is reporting that J.J. Abrams' reboot of the Star Trek franchise has been bumped to summer 2009.

The new release date is May 8, 2009. 

Why? Money, naturally. The studio decided that Abrams' reimagining of the Trek franchise would make a better summer tentpole.

I have to admit that I love the idea of a Trek movie as a huge summer blockbuster. Sure, previous entries have hit theaters during the summer or holiday seasons, but this one could redefine the Trek experience for a generation.

I'm just bummed I have to wait more than a year to see it.

As of now, Trek's only competition that summer is X-Men Origins: Wolverine and Angels and Demons, though neither has set a release date yet.

Paramount also moved around a few other movies. Here's a rundown:

• Eddie Murphy's Nowhereland is moving from Sept. 26, 2008, to June 12, 2009.

• Renee Zellweger's horror-thriller Case 39 is moving from Aug. 22, 2008, to April 10, 2009.

• David Fincher's Brad Pitt vehicle The Curious Case of Benjamin Button is moving from Nov. 26, 2008, to Dec. 19, 2008.