The 100 Word Critic: The Last Kiss
Written by: Stacy Centa, the 100-Word Critic

(Stacy Centa is a guest columnist for CC2K. Each week, she will review a movie in EXACTLY 100 words, not including any of these. This week, Centa tackles Zach Braff's The Last Kiss.)
When you're miserable do you enjoy miserable company so you don't feel alone or do you prefer happy company so you feel hopeful? If you're in the latter category, don't see The Last Kiss.
Short synopsis: Four unhappy guys. Each feels trapped and carries out an ill-conceived plan for escaping said trap. The film follows Michael (Braff), an average guy, who cheats on his too-attractive-for-him girlfriend with a sexually aggressive co-ed (who is also too attractive for him).
Ultimately, each finds his own escape hatch, only to learn that the traps were set, not by women, but by themselves. Yawn.
(Stacy Centa's website: , offers daily samplings of her unique marriage of creativity and discipline. Oh, and these words don't count toward the 100 either.)