The Fanboy Scoop – Week In Review: Episode 73
Written by: Fanboy Comics
Covering the week of 8/27/2012, the Fanboy Comics staff reviews the top geek stories from the popular, daily e-newsletter, The Fanboy Scoop.
In this episode, we discuss the leaked script for Michael Bay’s TMNT movie, the panel line-up for MorrisonCon, why Matthew Inman’s indiegogo campaign to create a Tesla museum was so popular, the possibilities for ABC’s S.H.I.E.L.D. TV show, and why DC is having trouble finding a director for their live-action Justice League movie.
Cast members: Bryant Dillon, Sam Rhodes, Drew Siragusa, and Barbra Dillon
Special guest: Jon Armstrong (Illusionist, Co-Creator of IDW’s Smoke and Mirrors, and Magic Consultant for Arrested Development and The Mentalist)
Featuring: “Joss Whedon is My Master Now” by gunsandrazors
EXCITING NEWS: You can hear now hear The Fanboy Scoop – Week In Review Season 2 on CC2K.us and Krypton Radio every Monday at 7:00 p.m./PST and every Saturday at 2:00 p.m.!
You can also subscribe to the podcast on iTunes or download the episode!