The Nexus of Pop-Culture Fandom

The Morning Roundup: Avengers Assembled? GIJOE Character Posters, Zombie’s T-Rex Poster

Written by: Big Ross, CC2K Staff Writer

ImageThis morning we've got new character posters for the GIJOE film, a new teaser poster for Rob Zombie's next film, rumors of who to expect in Marvel's planned Avengers movie, talk of a possible Diablo 3, and more.


Jon Favreau may have inadvertently spoiled the planned lineup for a Marvel Avengers movie.  He told USA Today it’s going to be Captain America, Hulk, Thor, Ant-Man, and Iron Man. 

The SAG-AFTRA feud shows no signs of stopping.  Is Hollywood going to be rocked by another strike?

Dreamworks has scooped up the film rights to a new series being devloped by Scholastic Media called 39 Clues.  It is decribed as,

10-book series to be released over two years. It's described as a multimedia adventure that will include a set of collectible cards and an online game that will serve as a portal as young readers try to solve a mystery for a grand prize of $10,000.

Steven Spielberg is reportedly considering directing the resulting adaptation.

Looks like the GIJOE film is set to kick of a franchise as it’s been sub-titled GIJOE: Rise of Cobra.

Speaking of the GIJOE film, here are pics of new character posters snagged at an expo:


[foldergallery folder=”wp-content/uploads/images/GIJOEPosters”]



There’s a trailer out for Star Wars: The Clone Wars The Video Game, which will be available exclusively on the Wii (and Nintendo DS) and promises gamers that they’ll be able to control their light saber with their Wii remote, just like in the movies (I’ll believe that promise when I see it).

Hey AICN appears to have one of the first reviews of The Dark Knight. In a nutshell the reviewer says it's  great, but did you have any doubt?

In gaming news, could Blizzard be working on Diablo 3IGN has a nice breakdown of a piece of teaser art which appears to contain a rune from the Diablo game series.  It's probably still speculation at this point, but as a fan I think that would be freakin' sweet.

Speaking of posters, have you seen the teaser poster for Rob Zombie’s next film Tyrannosaurus Rex?
