The Nexus of Pop-Culture Fandom

The Morning Roundup: Box Office Report, New Bond Pics, Dollhouse, Sex and the City, Late-Night TV

Written by: Tony Lazlo, CC2K Staff Writer
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ImageWe've got updates on the fall TV season, including rough air dates for Joss Whedon's Dollhouse and a look at the next big late-night TV shakeup. New pics from the upcoming Bond sequel are online, too.

Iron Man kicked more ass at the box office, while Speed Racer underperformed to the tune of $20.2 million.

The comic book Witchblade is headed for the big screen.

Hey, so what's happening in late-night TV?

Joss Whedon's Dollhouse will be a mid-season replacement, and will possibly join a surprisingly awesome Monday-night lineup on Fox, along with The Sarah Connor Chronicles, 24 and Prison Break.

IGN has unveiled a high-res version of the official trailer for The X-Files: I Want to Believe. 

Speaking of trailers, check out the trailer for The Clone Wars or these two new TV spots for The Dark Knight.

Some new pics from Quantum of Solace (the new Bond flick) have hit the Net.

[foldergallery folder=”wp-content/uploads/images/qos1″]

Cool! Apparently The Incredible Hulk will include a reference to a certain super-soldier serum.

IESB has some new video clips from Sex and the City as well as some new pics of Benicio Del Toro as Che Guevara.



And check out the new Batmobile – from the comics, not the movie.


Whoa – Guy Ritchie is going to direct Sgt. Rock?

Boston Legal is coming back for a fifth season.

Bill Maher's documentary Religulous has been delayed until October.

Spielberg's next project will be Lincoln, which could start shooting as early as next year.

Hey, it's a new promo for Heroes season three!

IO9 has some spoilers from J.J. Abrams' new Star Trek movie. Hint: it'll be more canonical than I thought.