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The Morning Roundup: Disney finds its prince, Remakes galore, and Choke poster

Written by: Big Ross, CC2K Staff Writer

ImageWe've got news that the lead for Disney's Prince of Persia has been cast, two classic 80's sci-fi/fantasy films are getting remade, and the new teaser poster for Choke in today's Round Up.

Looks like Jake Gyllenhaal has won the role of the Prince in Disney's upcoming, live-action Prince of Persia film.  Huh, I'd have thought they'd go with an actor a little more…Persian.

Hey the Highlander franchise is getting restarted with a remake .  The sequels kind of sucked but the original is a classic.

Speaking of remakes, Flash Gordan also looks to be getting remade .  What do both of the original films have in common?  Great soundtracks by Queen!

Hey, if you missed that new red band trailer for The Happening, here it is:

A script review has surfaced of David Goyer's proposal for bringing DC's the Green Arrow to the big screen in Supermax.

Hey Shakespear fans!  What do ya think of Anthony Hopkins as King Lear, Gwyneth Paltrow as Regan, and Keira Knightly as Cordelia in a new film adaptation?

In TV news, the baton has been officially passed to a new lead writer and executive producer for BBC's Doctor Who series.

In film news that shouldn't be a surprise to anyone, Andy Serkis and Viggo Mortenson have been contacted about reprising their roles along with Ian McKellan in "The Hobbit," which has entered the early stages of preproduction.

In gaming news, rumors of the death of the Metal Gear franchise after release of the highly anticipated Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots may be greatly exaggerated.

In other gaming news, ya know how certain people continually link violence in video games to real world criminal activity?  That's complete bullsh*t, according to a new study.

Finally we've got the first teaser poster for the film adaptation of Chuck Palahniuk's Choke:
