The Nexus of Pop-Culture Fandom

The Morning Roundup: Lucas-Red Tails Retraction, New WALL-E Trailer, Loads of New Posters

Written by: Big Ross, CC2K Staff Writer

ImageThis morning we’ve got a correction of the George Lucas-Red Tails rumor, possible casting for Ridley Scott’s Robin Hood film, more rumors of Tarantino’s Bastards, and lots of new movie posters!

Hey, know that report that George Lucas will direct a war-epic focusing on the storied Tuskegee Airman called Red TailsDefamer had a rather humorous take on it, but no matter.  Seems it was all bogus, as a rep for Lucas denies that Lucas is directing, but merely serving as executive producer for the planned film.

J. Michael Straczynski assures us that his script for a Silver Surfer feature film would include a more traditional Galactus that “would be not at all silly looking.”  Guess we’ll never know as this project is most likely on permanent hiatus, probably because the FF films sucked so much.

Wait, Ridley Scott is directing a take on the Robin Hood legend called Nottingham, and Sienna Miller is in talks to play Maid Marion?  Well she certainly trumps Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio in the “hotness” category. 

Here’s a new WALL E trailer:

Wow.  Not only on the rumors that Tarantino is actually going to move ahead with Inglorious Bastards still circulating, but the latest is he’s intending this to be a 2 part, 2 film project, similar to what he did with Kill Bill.

Hmmm…you might remember a while back I reported on the news that 300 star Gerard Butler had committed to play the role of Snake Plissken in a proposed remake of Escape from New York, and that he later dropped out.  Now it appears that the project is still moving forward, and Josh Brolin is now in talks to play the role Kurt Russell made famous.

Finally we've got lots of new one-sheets for you! 




