The Nexus of Pop-Culture Fandom

The Morning Roundup: New Terminator Trailer, Clone Wars Posters, Monster Squad Remake Planned

Written by: Big Ross, CC2K Staff Writer

ImageThis morning we’ve got a link to the new teaser trailer for Terminator Salvation starring Christian Bale, new posters for Star Wars: The Clone Wars, news of a remake of the cult classic Monster Squad, two big names possibly joining Inglorious Bastards, and more!

The first teaser trailer for Terminator Salvation has debuted online, and you can watch it HERE.

Shawn Ryan (The Shield) sat down with IGN to talk about his work on rewriting the script for Terminator Salvation.  Among other things he had this to say about the film:

This isn't just the fourth movie in a sequence of films, but I think he wants to re-imagine it and ground it and give it some reality, even though it takes place in the future. It's not a present day Terminator after him, trying to kill him. It's a different beast all together.

Hey, remember Monster Squad?  Sort of a cheesy, yet classic 80’s movie that pitted a group of kids against Dracula, the Mummy, and a few other classic movie monsters?  Yeah, Rob Cohen is going to rape your memories of it, uh, I mean, remake the film.

The first official image for the upcoming film adaptation of Max Payne (the video game noted for giving players the ability to slow time Matrix-style) is online, and you can see it below.


The trades are reporting that both Leonardo Dicaprio and Brad Pitt are being considered for Quentin Tarantino’s upcoming Inglorious Bastards.

Will Ferrel has got a new comedy in the works called Two-Face (see how I completely avoided any lame jokes/teases related to The Dark Knight?  You’re welcome.)  In it Ferrel will play a racist who develops a split personality, which manifests as a bleeding heart liberal, after a prank gone awry.  Ummm, does this sound like a bad idea to anyone else?

The trades are reporting that Justin Theroux (Mulholland Drive, Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle) has been hired to pen the script for the Iron Man sequel.  Am I the only one who finds that Charlie’s Angels credit worrisome?

Finally we have two new posters for Star Wars: The Clone Wars, which you can check out below.

[foldergallery folder=”wp-content/uploads/images/clonewars”]