The Nexus of Pop-Culture Fandom

The Morning Roundup: The Dark Knight in Empire Magazine, New Spidey Casting Rumors, Choke Trailer

Written by: Big Ross, CC2K Staff Writer

ImageThis morning we've got pics from The Dark Knight's upcoming conquest of Empire Magazine, rumors on who might be playing Peter Parker/Spider-Man in the next two sequels, the first trailer for Chuck Palahnuik's Choke, and a new photo from Watchmen.

New Line is worried men won’t turn out to see the Sex and the City movie.  They seem to be forgetting what I like to call the Compromise Factor, as in I’m going to see Sex and the City with my girlfriend in exchange for her going to see The Dark Knight with me.  See?  Compromise. 

Hmmm…it looks like Sharon Stone’s comments about the recent earthquake in China has gotten her banned from that country

It looks like Rainn Wilson (The Office, Juno) will be joining the cast of Transformers 2 as a professor.

If you want to see the trailer for the adaptation of Chuck Palahniuk’s Choke in HD, go here.  Or you can just watch it below!

Is J.R.R. Tolkien’s son Christopher out to stop The Hobbit film?

The Dark Knight is once again taking over Empire Magazine.  Here are two alternate covers for their July issue.


And just for grins and giggles, IESB has a pic of one of the page layouts, with a Jokerized Clint Eastwood. 


Huh, does MGM want more Rocky sequels?  The real question is does anyone else? 

The two names currently on the short list of actors to step into the red and blue spandex for the next two Spider-Man sequels are, according to LatinoReview, Patrick Fugit (Almost Famous, Spun, Wristcutters) and Michael  Angarano (Almost Famous, Sky High, Forbidden Kingdom).

Finally here's a pic of the original Minutemen as they'll appear in Zack Snyder's upcoming adaptation of Watchmen:
