The Nexus of Pop-Culture Fandom

The Morning Roundup: Trailers for Saw V, W, and Punisher: WZ, Wolverine SDCC Footage Details

Written by: Big Ross, CC2K Staff Writer

ImageThis morning we’ve got a lot of ground to cover.  We’ve got the box office report, news from San Diego Comic Con, new posters for Max Payne, Death Race, Terminator Salvation (and more!), as well as new trailers for Saw V, Oliver Stone’s W, Punisher War Zone, and more!


I guess no one wanted to believe?  The new X-Files movie didn’t even break the top three films over the weekend, while The Dark Knight is still going strong, so strong in fact that it’s raked in over $300 million since opening day. 

1. The Dark Knight                              $75,166,466

2. Step Brothers                                  $30,940,732

3. Mamma Mia!                                  $17,746,725

4. The X-Files: I Want to Believe          $10,021,753   

5. Journey to the Center of the Earth     $9,717,217

Speaking of Batman, could Angelina Jolie be stepping into the role of Catwoman?  If Julie Newmar's opinion is worth anything, then she just might.  Newmar, who first played the role in the campy TV series of the 60's told the New York Daily News: "Angelina would own the part. My industry friends tell me (she) has made inquiries about the role. I can understand how it would pique her interest." Of course, this is all speculation as the jury is still out on whether or not Nolan, et al. will return for a third film.

Ridley Scott’s take on the Robin Hood tale – Nottingham, has been postponed indefinitely, report the trades.  Numerous reasons were cited including logistical and script concerns.

Rumors are running rampant that Johnny Depp may be playing the Mad Hatter in Tim Burton’s upcoming adaptation of Alice in Wonderland.  While that is yet to be resolved, it has been confirmed that Mia Wasikowska will be stepping into the role of Alice.

IGN is reporting that a recent slip by MGM confirms their previous report that Brett Ratner is “attached to direct” a planned adaptation of the hit video game God of War

If you haven't seen a bootlegged copy of Wolverine footage shown at ComicCon over the weekend, you can read a summary below, courtesy of IESB.  To avoid spoilers I’ve put it in inviso-text.  Just highlight the area below to read!

The footage begins with Jackman and Schreiber in a prison cell where they are sentenced to death for the beheading of a commanding officer. Tied to posts a firing squad opens fire and serves up a lead salad for two.  A few cut scenes later you see the after effect “Kinda Tickles”.

 The footage treated us to a sideshow glimpse into the other faces that’ll be popping on screen. Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool? You Bet Your Ass! Gambit? Aye! Emma Frost? Yummy! The Blob? Yes sir! All of which I was able to get confirmed from directly from Wolverine himself afterwards.  Ok maybe that’s not news that needed confirming, but I like to cover my bets.

The rest of the footage shows Wolverine getting his new skeleton then going berserk and escaping directly after. Looks as if the focus is Weapon X chasing down and trying to get Wolverine back Jason Bourne style. Stuff blows up, things whiz by and we get a few glimpses of Wolverine VS Sabertooth.

Speaking of San Diego ComicCon ’08, Dark Horizons has got a great rundown of notable news and quotes that you can check out HERE

The first images from Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince are showcased in USA Today, but you can view them below:



George Lucas recently sat down and talked about Indiana Jones with the Times Online.  I think these blurbs speak for themselves:

“If I can come up with another idea that they like, we’ll do another. Really, with the last one, Steven wasn’t that enthusiastic. I was trying to persuade him. But now Steve is more amenable to doing another one. Yet we still have the issues about the direction we’d like to take. I’m in the future; Steven’s in the past. He’s trying to drag it back to the way they were, I’m trying to push it to a whole different place. So, still we have a sort of tension. This recent one came out of that. It’s kind of a hybrid of our own two ideas, so we’ll see where we are able to take the next one.”

“Indiana Jones only becomes complicated when you have another two people saying ‘I want it this way’ and ‘I want it that way’, whereas, when I first did Jones, I just said, ‘We’ll do it this way’ — and that was much easier. But now I have to accommodate everybody, because they are all big, successful guys, too, so it’s a little hard on a practical level.”

OK, I’ll say it anyway.  Gawd, what an egomaniacal asshole.

Here’s the recently released Red Band trailer for Punisher War Zone:


If four Saw films left you begging for more, check out the first trailer for Saw V:


And in case you’ve missed out on the trailer for Oliver Stone’s upcoming W, here it is!



Finally, below in our gallery you can view new posters for Death Race, Max Payne, Punisher War Zone, Friday the 13th, and Terminator Salvation.  Interesting tidbit about this last poster: I don't know if anyone else has noticed, but you can clearly see yellow double helices almost serving as pupils in the Terminator's red eyes.  This is one of those rare occasions when my day job serves my CC2k job.  I can tell you those double helices in the Terminator's eyes  are symbols for DNA.  Now what do you suppose that could mean?  Will we see Skynet move into genetic engineering?  Cloning?  I'm intrigued.


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