The Nexus of Pop-Culture Fandom

The Morning Roundup: Wanted Trilogy Planned, New Wolverine Promo Pic, Weaver Wants More Aliens

Written by: Big Ross, CC2K Staff Writer

ImageThis morning we have news of a change in Joss Whedon's upcoming film projects, word that a Wanted trilogy is in the works, Sigourny Weaver may want to battle more xenomorphs, and more!

Hey Whedon fans!  The Buffy creator is making a switch in his upcoming schedule.  Instead of Goner, Whedon is going to be focusing on a new film Cabin in the Woods, which co-writer Drew Goddard described as "classic Whedon" with a story that will "rip your heart out and be heartfelt at the same time."

Well you might not have liked Wanted, but the film did well enough that not only is a sequel planned but perhaps two sequels to make a Wanted trilogy.  James McAvoy and Terrence Stamp are both locked up for a sequel, and it may be that Angelina Jolie might return as well, in a series of flashbacks that explore her character's introduction to The Fraternity and the man who trained her – who figures to be the major villain of the sequels.

Could Sigourny Weaver be up for another Alien film?  While the franchise as gone down the toilet since its mashup with the Predator franchise (a damn shame, IMO) if conditions were right Weaver would be interested, going so far as to say, "I would definitely do another if I had a director like Ridley Scott and we had a good idea. Ridley is enthusiastic about it."

If you'd like to know how Michael Bay would have made The Dark Knight, you're in luck. has "uncovered" a rejected screenplay by Bay for his take on Batman.  I was quotation marks because this is totally fake, but still funny as hell.

I'm not so sure about the recent marketing ploy for Hellboy II: The Golden Army.  Does this make you want to see the film (or for that matter, Chuck?)

While Paramount will reportedly be largely skipping Comic Con 2008, Warner Bros. has unvelied its agenda for the geek convention, which will include Watchmen, Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Terminator Salvation, and the Friday the 13th remake.

Finally we've got a new promotional pic of Hugh Jackman for his upcoming return to the feral X-man Wolverine.
