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‘Tron’ Panel: New Trailer, Guillermo Del Toro to Remake ‘The Haunted Mansion’

Written by: Tony Lazlo, CC2K Staff Writer
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The biggest news to come out of the Tron panel had nothing to do with Tron. Guillermo Del Toro’s going to remake The Haunted Mansion for Disney.

‘Tron’ Panel: Guillermo Del Toro to Remake ‘The Haunted Mansion’ The biggest news to come out of the Tron panel had nothing to do with Tron. Guillermo Del Toro’s going to remake The Haunted Mansion for Disney.

The Hollywood Reporter broke it, but Del Toro made a surprise appearance at the Tron panel in Comic-Con’s Hall H to make the announcement.

“It’s going to be a thrill ride for the whole family but it’s definitely going to be scary,” he said. “(Walt) Disney is one of the creators of some of the scariest images in my childhood. People forget that he not only made sweet images but also images of nightmare. We need to honor that side of the legacy.”

The new flick will be in 3D. Hall H saw a brief teaser clip from the upcoming movie, which Del Toro and Disney reps stressed that the eminent director’s movie will have nothing to do with the failed 2003 Eddie Murphy comedy of the same title.

But back to Tron:All of the major players showed up, including Jeff Bridges, Michael Sheen, Olivia Wilde, director Joe Kosinski and even Steven Lisberger himself. Comedian and actor Patton Oswalt moderated.

 Bridges called it “psychedelic” to play both a younger and older version  of himself. He also called the original Tron “groundbreaking.”

“You can play yourself at any age,” Bridges said, referring to the capabilities of current technology.

A highlight of the panel happened when the audience got to be a part of the film. The panelists called for the audience to give a shout of “de-rez!,” also known as Tron parlance for death eternal.

And here’s the new trailer!