The Nexus of Pop-Culture Fandom

Advance Comic Review: Penguins vs. Possums #5

Written by: Laura Hong-Tuason, CC2K Comics Editor

The age-old war between penguins and possums is far from over. In fact, it has only begun. The war continues in Penguins vs. Possums #5!

Writers: Sebastian Kadlecik, John Bring, Lindsay Calhoon Bring
Illustrator: Sebastian Kadlecik


Spoiler Alert: If you haven’t read Penguins vs. Possums: Vol. One yet, you can read my review of it here.

Since the last issue of Penguins vs. Possums, tension has soared and a handful of characters have been introduced. Instead of answers in this latest issue, we’ve only been left with more questions. Who is the real enemy? And when it comes down to it, who will really suffer the consequences of this outlandish war?

Penguins vs. Possums #5 is a very special one because unlike previous issues, which focused on the two parties involved, it’s heavily dedicated to the human characters of the story. Now readers get to see the war from a third perspective. After all, the war can’t be kept a secret forever, especially with all the casualties taking place. The issue follows Felicity and C.J., who uncover the Great Possum Hall of Elders. Studying the caves, sculptures, and paintings, Felicity becomes convinced there is a war going on between penguins and possum. C.J. is more doubtful. Regardless, they take great strides in unveiling the war’s origins, but it looks like it won’t be without repercussions.

Despite the human-centric story, we also see what’s going on with the penguins and possums. Not much happens, but the writers do a good job developing each party’s fighting mentality.  

On the penguin war front, Xiao has been restored to the imperial thrown thanks to three old, exiled penguins. With newfound valor and purpose, he is ready to take down the possums once and for all. No one—and I mean no one—will get in his way. With the help of former rebel warrior Melai, he believes he’s untouchable. However, his ignorance and inflated confidence may get the best of him.

On the possum side of the spectrum, Amaru the Chosen has lost all faith in ending the war peacefully. With his wife and unborn child dead, his home laid to waste, and his best friend driven away, Amaru feels helpless to the cause. Even worse, unbeknownst to Amaru and the other possums, an elder of the tribunal has been murdered by its own. Corruption is on the rise, but a discovery will provide the possums with a possible advantage. 

While not much occurs in Penguins vs. Possums #5, it is packed with enough revelations to move the story forward. The art continues to be pleasing, and the ongoing puns are humorously executed. Though the absolute best part of this issue is the ability of the writers to bring forth a complex, thought-provoking dynamic not only between the penguins and possums, but with the humans as well.

No one can be fully trusted and all the characters will constantly keep you guessing. While I still like the possums more than I do the penguins, there are characters that appear to have their own hidden agendas. Whether it’s the Elder possums, or the exiled penguins, they are all up to no good. And can the humans be trusted even amongst each other, or will they be the ones caught in the crossfire? Either way, this secret war just got a whole lot bigger and the ramifications will be monumental.

Make sure to get your copy of Penguins vs. Possums #5, out on October 29 at Fanboy Comics. You can follow the comic on Twitter @pvpcomic and on Facebook.

4.0 out of 5.0